Welcome to The Edudzi Foundation!

Compassion + Love = Victory

The word "Edudzi" means "Victory" in Ghana, West Africa’s tribe of Ewe. We believe being compassionate plus giving Love can equal Victory in the lives of people.

Upcoming Mission/Tourism Trips

Operation SALT 2025

MISSION & TOURISM TRIP- Reserve Your Spot! 

Project HOPE 2024



Book with Brittany!

Mission / Tourism Trip 2025

The Resilient Roses Brunch

The Meaning Behind the Message

Compassion + Love = Victory

Compassion: (NOUN) Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. We understand the struggle so we extend our hearts and sincerest concerns to those who are currently facing the struggle.

LOVE: (NOUN) An intense feeling of deep affection. Love is a blessing and treasure. We seek to provide our clients with treasures, and the most beautiful treasure of them all is LOVE. We CARE about YOU just as much as our CREATOR cares about you! Let us LOVE on you!

VICTORY: (NOUN) An act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or competition. We view your circumstances, wounds, and shortcomings as the opponent in a game, however, we seek to assist in maximizing the power within you physically, mentally, socio-economically, and financially that will defeat the odds that were once against you. We want to see you become a better version of you! We all can succeed in life and our circumstances have no control over our destiny! 

Our Mission

 The Edudzi Foundation is a 501(c) organization in Hampton roads area of Virginia. Our mission is to alter the projected statistics of single mothers, single family homes, and all individuals of broken homes from Victims to Victors by exerting Non Denominational Christian based principles of love, compassion, and support that will result in success. Servicing Virginia and Africa.

Our Vision

We believe that all humans, no matter their race or diverse walks of life, can obtain success. Some of our targeted goals are to provide financial literacy to low-income communities such as credit counseling and budgeting classes in efforts to decrease the number of poverty stricken homes. We seek to provide recreational services to low income communities that will decrease the high numbers of violence within the inner cities of the Hampton Roads area. We desire to provide a plethora of resources to battered women such as empowerment classes to rebuild their self esteem, that was unfortunately taken from them. Currently, our foundation hosts events for children in the Hampton Roads area to promote unity and the importance of education. 

TEF also has a support group for teens and women called, “ The Resilient Roses” where we gather for prayer, emotional support, and encouragement. Our foundation also travels internationally and provides food, clothing, and shelter to over 210 children in the country of Ghana, West Africa. TEF is also in partnership with My Period Campaign of OIM Ghana that seeks to provide menstrual pads to thousands of ghanaian women. We have a vision to spread unity and prosperity amongst all races but most importantly spread the awareness and beauty of our African Heritage by hosting mission/tourism trips to Ghana. We seek to bring resources that will change the direction of others' lives for the better!  

The Edudzi Foundation Launch Party Event Recap

The Edudzi Foundation Launch party 2022 was an epic event for our foundation. Below is a photo recap of a few moments during the event. We thank everyone who came, all our sponsors, donors, and supporters of the Edudzi Foundation! We could not have done this without YOU!

Support the Foundation

Your contributions and donations make it possible for the Edudzi Foundation to provide support here locally and in Africa. We ask for your continued support. All proceeds are 100% tax-deductible. You can give the following ways:

The Resilient Roses Support Group

Join the Resilient Roses Support Group!  Resilience is defined the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or the ability to spring back into shape. We are here to build a sisterhood and to empower women to be Victors! Women ages 18-40 are welcome to join. Find us on Facebook. Search: Resilient Roses and click JOIN!
